Blog has not been updated for a long time, but development of the game continues. Instead of reading these old posts, just play the game.

Statebuilder is now playable

Posted by Oleksandr on April 14, 2017

Since the initial announcement in October 2016, I've been working on the user-playable version of Statebuilder, and developing all of the required backend features for that (user accounts, database storage, etc). Now it is finally ready, and I'm calling for early adopters to try the gameplay.

Most of the infrastructure heavy-lifting should be complete by now, and work on gameplay features will resume shortly.

The game still requires experimental JavaScript option (SharedArrayBuffer) to be manually enabled in the browser. The good news is that the feature has recently completed the standardization process, and is included in the next JavaScript standard (ES2018), so we can expect it to be available out of the box in the browsers soon. Currently, only Firefox and Chrome on desktop are supported, but eventually I expect to support all major browsers (Safari and Edge included), even on mobile.

A payment system has been set up for premium subscribers. At this point it should be considered a crowd-funding setup for early enthusiasts, as the game is not feature complete yet (obviously), and it will probably take years to reach that point. Consider supporting development financially if you like what you're seeing so far, and want to get more features sooner rather than later.

From now on, development updates will be posted more regularly, now that I have a blog set up.

Major items developed since October 2016

The game works directly in the browser!
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